Friday, November 05, 2004

Heal this, bitches

"Never give up. Never surrender."
-Capt. Peter Quincy Taggart, Galaxy Quest


Thomas More said...

Exactly. We don't need to become more like them to win; we just have to use their tactics, and do them better. I'll be writing more about this.

Thomas More said...

Well, I don't know how "comfortable" the margin was. Feingold will always have a race on his hands, because he's a maverick. But he wins, I think, for the same reason that other Dems lose - he stands for something, and articulates that clearly. He doesn't pander, in any way. And I think people respect that. I wish he would run for President one day.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Mig, posting anonymously. It's time the Democrats decide what they stand for, I agree with that. And I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say about tactics.